Polymetal has signed a contract for the purchase of gold-containing concentrate with the Australian Blackham Resources (”BLK")

2020-03-31 13:47
One of the largest producers of gold and silver has signed a contract to purchase 70 % of the concentrate of gold persistent sulfide ores of the Wiluna Deposit from the Australian gold mining company Blackham Resources. 

During the first three years, the total volume of concentrate at the stage of development of the field will be 122.5 thousand tons. The gold content in the concentrate is not less than 195 thousand ounces. In the future, Polymetal will receive exclusive rights to purchase 100% of the concentrate. Polymetal and BLK have also entered into an Alliance to reduce the carbon footprint from processing persistent gold-containing sulfide ores and concentrates. 

Vitaly Nesis, chief Executive officer of Polymetal group, said: "autoclave oxidation Technology for processing persistent gold concentrates leaves a minimal carbon footprint. Our partnership with Blackham Resources is aimed at solving this most important problem of the global gold mining industry and at the same time allows us to effectively use our key technical competencies."